Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current Water Tolls/Irrigation Tax Rates, Water Distribution Regulations, and Policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you for a small fee (See ByLaw 146 for explanation of fees).


The rates have increased 3.5% for the Jan - Dec 2024 year.

The Annual Irrigation Well #6 has been discontinued (Ended 2021).

Domestic Toll 2024

Residential Rate - Monthly
Additional Residence Rate - Monthly
Business/Commercial Rate - Monthly
Restaurant/Café Rate - Monthly
Swimming Pool - ANNUAL Rate

Note - See Swimming Pool Policy under 'Relevant Documents' below for further information regarding size.

Annual Irrigation Tax 2024

Annual Irrigation Rate per Acre *
Basic Tax per Parcel (Grp 1)**
Basic Tax per Parcel (Grp 2)***
Irrigation Well #6 per Parcel (Ended 2021)

    *All lots having an area under one (1) acre to be charged a minimum of 1 acre.

  **Grp 1 means a parcel of land with residence that is supplied with domestic water.

***Grp 2 means a parcel of land that is not classified as Grp 1

Relevant Documents